Monday, October 30, 2006
Another round of raya-ing, my legs are tired from carrying my brother's weight on my lap, and from all the walking(we didn't walk much, considering i was happily sitting down in the car)..
I just realised how much I want an older brother, not a sister, a brother. It would be so cool, cos when I grow older, and being the youngest and the most adored by my handsome brothers, I would be able to hug and cry in their arms. Hahaha, Impossible as it sounds, it's true. Cos my mom's the youngest in her family, and she has so many older brothers. Cos she can just cry in their arms, and being the very caring brother that my uncles are, they'd just comfort her. Must've been really nice to have older brothers to take care of you, and must be hard to be the youngest at the same time. I don't know about older sisters, maybe they work the same too. But having older brothers(handsome and caring ones) would just be, cool.
I realised how pack this week is. Tomorrow gotta go school, tuesday collect results & rehearsal, wednesday I don't know got what oh yea got hockey, thursday raya outing, and friday.. shrugs
i'm super tired, mentally and physically.
good night(:
Sunday, October 29, 2006
I'm not handsome already. I can't even walk properly, sungguh uncool. And to think I actually wanted a sprained/twisted/or whatever the condition my ankle is and thought it would be utter coolness. bahahhahahaha I must be crazy.
Oh and the buku lali? that bulging thing at the side is sorta bigger then the other side, probably swelled. It isn't a sprain? (cos it didnt swell up on the spot?) but it hurts like ^^%&$%^&%. I'm not complaining, i'm actually loving it.
Training was like ^&%^&% yesterday cos I for one lost my stamina throughout the break. Mampus I could bearly sustain TWO ROUNDS. I'm so dead, I know it. Monday training got 2.4, die die die. Then during that (really stylo) thing xin mei asked us to do, the one where we have to run forward, backwards, right and left, I fell like jackfruit(cempedak? nangka busuk? whatever) then i twisted my foot. or was it, i twisted my foot then i fell like jackfruit? either way la. I went to rest for a bit and later decided to be a hero and continue training. Stupid move there.
Being the smart doctor that I'm supposedly am, I bought really really cool bandages to wrap my leg tight tight. WAh it felt sooooo much better. Then when I took it of, wah the pain came rushing back.
Okay so we had lunch after that. Talked about teachers and their weird antics. Then xin mei came to my house to get the cat carrier. Dad got home and we went out raya-ing, finally!
I was wearing this really nice greeeeeeeeen kebaya? which was not so tight, but the shape's there. It had a shiny green skirt and a netted top with lining on the inside. I like, I don't know if it looked good on me, but who cares, I like it. Waterboy(who was wearing blue contacts and blue kurung) called me sayur, thank you very much. Hahahaha.
I guess it was nice visiting from one house to another, in a not so big group. Great company, I like. When else do I get to see my cousins altogether? okay I do get to see them at kenduris and holidays and stuff.
I loved yesterday(:
Friday, October 27, 2006
i need to go on a blind date or or or
window shopping or or or
trekking or or or
some where la
I know! KAYAKING! YES! KAYAKING. I want to get my three star!! If there is such a thing in the first place. i wanna get tanner, cos im already dark might aswell get darker right. i wanna gain arm muscles, waist muscles. possibly six packs. wooo then i'll complete my handsome package.
bah im bored
help me
and its not even a day into my hols
Just to let you know..
And those who haven't heard yet to know..
And those who already heard irritated..
number 11, who sadly just got back from antartica and knew nuts about numlock and its wonders. I wanted to send my tablet to fujitsu cos my keyboard was suppsedly busted(till i found out the existence of a numlock and how it functioned). So maluating, i can't stand it. But amidst my dumbness, I finally found the connection between polar and polar bears! Amacam?
I'm handsome, and smart.
How about that?
0y 2eyb6ard*s b4sted. the 2eys d6n*t c6rresp6nd w5th the characters!
my keyboard's busted. the keys don't correspond with the characters!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I liked today too.
Swensens' for lunch! A whole 2kg cake, and a pint of ice cream, just for us! Thank you Warda and dad! She was such an angel, and bought us a 2kg ice cream cake! Warda, our rocking CG rep.
Was awed by dry ice. And I got myself burnt? by a piece of it stuck to the table. Then I got myself a burnt mark! A square one some more. Damn cool. And Kelly got fascinated by the dry ice and started to fill a bag of dry ice with water. Then all the mist started coming.
Lovely gathering, am gonna miss 1D
Why do i hurt the most, the ones i love the most?
Why do the ones I love most..--
I'm sorry.
I've had enough.
I liked yesterday.
We ate so much, as though we were deprived of food for so long. We shared B&Js, ate a plate of mee goreng and then downed two packets of chips. Not only that, I took neos too, after almost a year staying away from that thing. Haha I'm so deprived. XD
Oh and I ran too, after a loooooong time. Tiring ah but fun.
Today last day of school, I'm sad. :( Cos I won't be seeing him for 2 months. And he's scaring me, period. Take care of yourself mister! And yes, I owe you a hug. Empty promises.. again..
I liked yesterday yesterday too.
Which was Hari Raya. I liked the morning, cos I went to sembahyang for the first time(gasp). Then yeah, did the usual. This year was mundane. I had no mood, my mom was cranky. Bla bla. Spoiled the occasion.
I miss you................
Monday, October 23, 2006
What were the odds of meeting you today?
Monday, the day I got my humans results, the day I got my GPA results, the day I met my friend whom I've not met for quite some time, the day Ramdhan ends, the day Syawal begins, the last day of puasa, the day I fell in love with pumps all over again, the day I slept so much, the day that falls on the eve of Eid Mubarak, the day I totally love, then again I just wished it had not come.
For one thing, I got a pathetic 2.2 for my GPA, I'm so demoralized, I feel like dropping out of school and start a business, but I know that's impossible cos I probably go bankrupt even before starting. I feel so claustrophobic for my choices, cos for one thing, I only(I REPEAT ONLY) qualify for 5 core + 3 subjects combi :'( the agony, the pain. I feel so stupid, everybody else is getting 3 and 4.. I'm possibly the lowest in class :\ I feel so stupid, stupid stupid stipid stupid stupid.. But I know I deserve what I got, cos I didn't give my all. I guess this proves I'm just too lazy.. bah..
So now I'm contemplating, choosing either double sci + 1 humans or just trip science. :'( I don't have a choice, do I?
All I felt like doing was to go home and sleep. I just didn't want to face anything, I'm too embarrassed I guess. Now I can hear laughter.. haunting me.. mocking me.. ahh stop it stop it stop it stop it.
I shopped at geylang, and met Asyraf! haha Omg he hasnt changed a bit, besides the dyed hair. He actually recognised me. Oh and I met.. Schazwan at Hougang Mall too. It's amazing then number of people I bumped into today. Hahaha oh and...... Yeah, that's about it ah. Shopped for shoes, selendang. All last minute shopping. What to do.
Dad just got back from New York last night at 2am.. Was awaken by his voice, hahaha.
Oh and,
Happy Birthday AIDA! AIDA! AIDA!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Alhamdulillah.. I'm given the chance to experience Ramadhan, and also celebrate Aidilfitri..
Am here to minta ampun minta maaf, jika tersilap & terkasar bahasa, terkurang ajar, tersinggung perasaan, berkelakuan tidak senonoh and all that jazz, I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart, sincerely truthfully. I wish to start anew. Please do forgive me for my wrongs.
Happy three months(:
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Today is the last day I get to terawih..
I felt the need to go to the mosque to pray...
We were kind of late for terawih cos we were still at the bustop still when it close to eight, then there was this really really nice pak cik who offered us a ride, Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless you, pak cik. Thanks to him, we were not late for Isyak(:
Hehe so since today was the last day of terawih, it felt so sayu.. When we did the qunut during the last Witr, there was sadness in the air, the Imam was tearing as he was reading the doa, cos u could hear him sobbing, so were the people around me. Yahh.. Sayu, no? Then when I sujud, was, i felt so sebak.. I cried, cos I know I've done so much sins.. and that I feel so ashamed to face God this way.. Twas a really really sad moment.
After memberi salam, the imam started reading the doa... and yeah, more tears started flowing..
I'm sad that Ramadhan is bidding farewell.. But yeah, all that is good has to come to an end sooner or later.. (:
i love everyone who loves me
Saturday, October 21, 2006
I'm back from OBS, ALHAMDULILLAH. I'm well and alive. I don't know about well, cos my body aches, but I like it. Any longer at that place can make me go crazy. It's not all bad la, but I just felt out of place and.. I don't know I had this uneasy feeling. I don't know why. And OBS was pretty much like other camps, rock climbing.. high elements.. kayaking.. field cooking.. hiking.. yah.
Day ONE - We did KAYAKING the minute we stepped onto Ubin, well not exactly, not counting the admin stuff. I WAS IN BARKER! Together with NADHIRAH!, Sammi, Valerie, Angel, Angeline, Cheng Feng, Kryslin, Coco, Shi Han, Minyun, Jia Jin, Lu Xun, Xiaolei & Qi Long! We had a 16th member.. but.. I'll explain later.
We did kayaking in the afternoon, did all the rescue stuff. I was with nadhirah, so it was total fun. Had some first aid briefing at night. Bahaha. And I volunteered myself to be the medic, oh yeay.
The night was pretty cool, was the first time sleeping at the bunk. I slept at the lower deck, with no one sleeping on my upper deck. Talked to nadh before I dozed off, cos the instructor from sui sen shut us up. Oh and he tucked me in to sleep too! So sweet i tells ya.
Day TWO - I was already home sick on the second day. Horrible, no? Was supposed to go hiking, but thank you haze, they cancelled it. I was seriously not looking forward to it. Firstly, we were not prepared, secondly we had to carry what seemed like a tonne on out backs and thirdly, I felt so tired and it was only the second day. So we did belaying and rock climbing, which I did NOT get to do, I was happy at first, but now when I think of it, it was kind of wasted that I did not get to go. Bah heart pain number 1.
Since we were stuck at camp one, what did we do to all the rations? We had to field cook at the beach. It was okay la, I've had worst field cookings. Nadh broke her fast and we had a romantic dinner eating half cooked rice, together with sardines, tuna, anchovies and curry chicken all mushed up in a cup. Sitting on the pavement with ants crawling up my shorts, sniffing the hazy air and staring at a boat in the middle of the sea.. with hazy lights far far away lighting the place up.
I can't remember when and where we had our circles. But I loved the supper that night. Barkerians gathered at the dorm, and we had a milo party. Twas fun, and messy. And I remember sleeping so well that night. Probably too tired la.
Day THREE- THE DAY WE HAD TO GO HIKING. BAH. Brought our bags(WAH THEY WEIGHED SO MUCH, I THINK I HAVE MUSCLES BY NOW) to the multi purpose hall and had flag raising. Mmmm, did much preparation and packing, and off we were to camp two. One thing's for sure, reaching the destination depended on Val and I, since we were the navigators. Felt loads of pressure, for one thing, we didn't want the group to suffer cos of our mistakes navigating. hehe. But thank God, we managed to reach camp two, safe and sound.
Then off we were to wherever we had to be, which was the Granite Quarry! Hahaha Got lost halfway cos we didn't know which way to go.. Reached that place after almost 2 hours of hiking? Without our heavy bags this time, at least. Mmm Chiew Ling made us carry 8 pipes 4 barrels and 1 bucket of rope to the quarry.. as I've thought, we were gonna make a raft. hahahaha. At first we thought we had to do a jetty jump, turns out we were gonna do our jetty jump at the quarry!
The quarry was so nice!!!!! Clear water! Ahhhhh bestest reward after hiking for sooooo loooooooooonggg......... I swear I didn't want to get out of the quarry after all that. It's such a nice place to be in. Plus, we won't get to go there again, unless I get to go for another OBS camp(which I don't think I want to, unless I'm way way way fitter than I am now).. hahaha
Oh after all that, we walked all the way back to camp two.. talking to nadh helped alot cos we didn't feel tired after that. At camp two, we did field cooking for dinner and yeah, camp whored after that waiting for our sea expedition briefing. Hahaha Barker is love(:
Mmmmm, oh then we had to sleep at the main purpose hall, which was infested with mosquitos, cos i got bitten so much, i woke up in the middle of the night, just to scratch my bitten feet.
Day FOUR - Woke up early, packed our stuff onto the boat, and waited for almost 2 hours later before we embarked on our expedition. I got tired before even reaching the swamp area. but hey, having nadh for a partner puts aside all the tiredness cos we gossipped all the way through the swamp area. OH! the swamp was so cool, cos we passed by kampungs and TOILETS! hahahaha eeeewwww... imagine seeing floating faeces! hahahaha. And the water smelt like shit ah. hahahaa. We kayaked for 6 1/2 hours! yay ;D and I', at least two tones darker, how about that? lol
Reaching camp ONE! was the best feeling ever, I felt so happy setting foot on solid ground. Wah happy(: the haze was back by then. Yeah.. so erm, did the washing and carrying the kayaks to the washing area. Felt for fibre glass on our hands and legs. Haha we were lucky cos we didnt get burnt so much, compared to group one. Plus! We COMPLETED our expedition! Yay group 2
We had a PROPER dinner at night, which felt sooooooo gooooood.... and sleeping was the BEST feeling, ever...
day FIVE! - YAY LAST DAY!!!!!!! Did some high element thing, where we had to say out our goals or something. Stupid PEAKS profiling thinger. Hahah I remembered having to sit for two hours in Vinson having to hear some PEAKS theory shit. Bah, totally boring. The high element was cooooooool, hahaha and I love belaying.
MMMM yeah, well thats about it. Headed for school after all that. Said our farewells, bye bye barker.
Ahhhh that was OBS. I'm not gonna talk about what happened next.
I'm sleepy, gotta mug for tomorrow
Sunday, October 15, 2006
This shall be my last post till I get back from obs. Pray for my safety okay?
Hehehe, shall miss my tabby wabby for five days. HAhahahaha.
There were new additions to the Woodi family(and theres more on the way!!), Abg Along and Kak Ijah's son, ZAHIN! Who was totallyyy adorable! And there was Danish, Mahirah, YUSUF(HE'S SO CUTE AND CHUBBY LA OMG)! There were also the twins, Wardina and Waheeda, WHO LOOKED SO PRETTY! Just like their older twin sisters. Bahahah. Then there were the toddlers. Hakim, Ilyas, Taufik, Mursyidah, Farzanah, Syazani..
Taufik was being his usual shy self at frst, then he slowly overcame his initial shyness and salam-ed me. Oh then when everyone was about to go home, Ilyas(my nephew) went around salaming people. Then he came to taufik(who is Ilyas' uncle, hence my cousin), first they salam-ed each other. HAHA. Then dear Ilyas went up to taufik and kissed him on the lips! I was laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaffing like mad. And Taufik was all shy(and smitten). I kept asking who kissed him and where, he was so shy when he answered. Ah so cuteeee..
I loooooooove toddlers wheeee
Friday, October 13, 2006
Today, as I've said earlier, has been an emotional emotional day.
We won the 100 smiles project. I guess it's something to be happy about? Yeah. No matter what we both are winners k? (: 1D&E had the best designs ah(not 1F cos they handed in late! no fairrrr). We rock! Cos we sacrificed alot of our time(and money) for this. :)
Got my results back, I'm kind of glad(?) and kind of sad at the same time. But Alhamudilallah, I'm thankful for the marks I got. Mmm, now I don't feel I was being mocked by my lang arts teacher anymore. I passed Malay(for the first time, everrrrrr) for paper 2!! I almost failed paper one, but cikgu said she was being nice so she didn't , ahw i love cikgu(more than her PW group) bahaha, okay nvm. Joke tak menjadi. Eh, I passed chem, but failed the other two, by teeny weeny marks. :P Physics gone case ah so I don't really mind, but BIO!!!! I failed by 2 marks :'( wah heart pain ah heart painnnn. Needless to say, I failed math miserably. I'm a miserable wreck who sucks at maths.. Ah help.
Hmm, there was open house today. Helped cikgu with the open house malay board(yes TA students doing up the Malay board) which looked totally fab! BAHAHA. For something cikgu gave last minute, we did a great job ah, pretty! LOL. Open house. The atmosphere was pretty hectic, other than that, I paraded around school looking like an orange with black patches. Mmm, watched Aida's performance, and the MCS band. Took loadsa narcissistic photos, as usual. Then nadhirah misplaced her wallet! Ahw, lucky she found it G.O.
Did some passes at the D area, hahaha, I felt so awkward holding the stick. Now my joints feel so sore.. feels as though they're coming off anytime soon. But I miss hockey muchoes, from the smelly pads to the long long running distances to the tall tall buildings we climbed to the late nights playing in the dark.
Speaking of tiring myself, I'm in no moooood to go for OBS, I haven't touched my backpack. I have yet to take a look at my 5-day packlist. Bah. I hate them for organising the camp during the fasting month, grr.
After playing at the D-area till almost 5++.. We went to MCS room, to feel some aircon! baha, Yeah then I waited till 6 for him, in the end I went off on my own. Warghahahahaha. I no comments ah.
Dad's flying of to SF tomorrow, :) Was nice of him to get me fishsoup for buka. haha.
Okay dah.
P.S. Today has been an emotionally challenging day.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
That cold bandung drink looks oh so tempting.. it's mocking me, i can tell. ahhhhhhhhhh.. but no, i'll persevere, i can do this. hahaha
I'm so tired, my limbs are aching from all the walking, sitting and doing yoga. I can feel my bones contracting(can they?) and all that shannanigans la.
Twas fun, today. Had yoga, which was pure torture. My body's gonna ache, everywhere! But company was great. Atiqah tapped on my ankle, and I fell like a rotten jackfruit. I don't know what got into me today, I was almost late for school, but I didn't want to disappoint Nadh, so I came to her rescue and came to school. Then when I reached school I thought I had my phone with me, but noooooo it was at home. Then when I wanted to take out my camera, there was no memory card inside! WAH, today my stupid day. :(
After yoga, (i smelled bad cos i perspired so much) i went home immediately, cos i feel so lost without my phone, not that I actually use it ever minute, but without my phone i feel so insecure.
Off to AMK aft that to meet KMA. haha gosh, how much I miss them. Twas tiring, walking around geylang(again! warghahaa. i went with nadh yesterday!). hahaha, i can't wait for jalan raya now lalala.
OKay i seriously need a footbath. toodz!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I decided to be narcissistic, so I took photos of myself and my brothers.
You see, I promised not to put my brother's pic on the net, but I just can't help it.

My mr handsome. He can cook, is an athletic and probably smart too!

He's kinda gay, in a cute kind of way. Sad to say he's 13, too old to be called cute. He can cook too!

And there's me, totally narcissistic shot of myself. I'm sorry. :P

And this is Minah. She's to blame for all the scratches on my hands and tablet. Totally cute, but I found two kutus on her the other time. =X

And here's mister sylvester, totally adorable little plushie. (:
hahahahaha tomorrow got school and got yoga! i'm wondering why they asked us to bring towels, are we gonna be wrapped around with towels and locked up in a sauna? cos i seriously hope not. but i wouldnt mine ah, cos i can lose weight! bahahahaha. i suggest lt3(without air con) would be a good place. wooo.
okay dah, good night(:
Dear Fir,
I want you to know I care about you. And for me to know that you're not feeling well, doubled how much I care about you. I know you read my posts, and you might be thinking I'm having fun while you are sick. To tell you the truth, I never once forgot about you. As I've said before, I never once did, and I never will. And I just want you to know that, I pray for you to get better, always.
I love you.
Hey baby when we are together, doing things that we love..
I don't want to run away baby, you're the one I need tonight..
Oh Shayne Ward, you have such a nice voice and you sing such a nice song, and you let people like me feel melancholic.. ahwww..
No promises.. baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just want to die in your arms here tonight..
I can't wait for school tomorrow! YOGA baby! I can't wait for SATURDAY TOO! Hockey finals(which I think I can't make it..) cos I got.. IFTAR! So exciting! But sadly, my dad's flying off to San Fransisco in the morning.. lalala. He won't be back till after I get back from OBS! Which is next week! :O And I have no mood to tire myself for OBS, I haven't even prepared anything yet. Oh noo...
Wah my legs are tired from all the walking i tells ya. Hahaha but I had fun with Nadh finding her dendeng and her PINK KATIRA! and we were kacau-ed by the uncles asking us to buy their stuff. typical, haha and to think its during the fasting month. tsk tsk. and then.. we met NADIAH! :D
okay now i'm gonna.... rest till buka(: yay!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Free hugs, ahw..
Beef Noodle, yummmmmmm
Chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, yummmmmmmmmmmm
TOYS R US, funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Diyanah, crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Izyan, kentallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

the best i could get using a mediocre phone lalalala :D
totally cute!
Monday, October 09, 2006
to those who are taking their last(or second last) paper tomorrow
trust me, the feeling is good after them dreadful papers. teehee.
"wah so short"
wah thanks ah ms rabiah, that really helped alot. totally boosted my morale. hah. that was what she said to me when she saw my history paper. sorry la, history i cannot do. tough tough(for me at least)
and i had fun with you guys. thanks for making my day(:
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I'm tired...
All I want right now is a big big hug from nadh or atiqah or dinie or aida or warda or diyanah or huda or someone who means alot to me.
That being said,
I never once thought how mundane history can get. It's so boring, I'm counting down till the last slides! I'm longing for a girls' night(or afternoon) out, after puasa, or on wednesday. I can't wait for Tuesday cos I'm going out with diy! I miss eating at Harbourfront. Yay Thaksin beef noodles!
I smell laksa, I can't wait for buka! :D
I hope my horrible stinking shark's meat(people in Iceland EAT ROTTEN sharks' meat! can you believe it? and worst still, it smells of pee!) case of moodswing would wear off by then, then I can happily continue reading about Germany. (oh how much i dreaaaaaad history......i'm so gonna drop it next year, even if you bribe me)
okay toodles:D
I'm left with mugging for the rest of the day. Shucks I hate that word. I hate the person who came up with that word. I hate that word. That word saddens me. It just does. I'm such an anti-social these days. Lock(the non-existent door) myself in my room, sleeping or staring at the ceiling. Being anti-social's kinda fun once in a while. I don't understand how I define fun, but I guess it makes me happy, just stoning in my room, staring at the pretty pink walls(which I painted!).
baby, do you know how much i long for you to be by my side?
(long time since i did this :P)
hahahaha, thanks babes, ah i miss you! *big hug" jia hao jia hao pun ke obs ye? eh best.
nadh: thanks you too okay. eh we all fall sick tgt, then no need to go :D
fawaz: baha. thanks.
dinie: HAHA yeah the brother totally cute ah, but i cannot stand the story! so annoyyinnggg. :P and yes, i think teachers mock me, behind my back. ahahaha im paranoid yo.
zahd: yaaaaaa NSYNC!
nadiaaaaaaaah: haha sme! i got westlifeeee! i dont know who i got them from, hahaha probably atiqah. anyhooos must watch if only, super touching ah:P
OKAY:D dah.
I stayed up the whole of last night, doing geog. mak oi, punya laaaaahhhhh boring. -_-
okay bye bye, i got stomach ache ah why?
Saturday, October 07, 2006
I don't know if it's just me, or it's the air, or if it's really happening.
I feel so.. lost? I think so, yeah. I feel lost. So lost. Lost. See what I mean?
I was hoping for promos to be over as quickly as possible(actually it is passing by pretty pretty fast, for me at least) and hoping things would get better. But by the looks of it, I'm doubting things would be normal again.
Oh my I just cursed. Astaghfirlahaazim. You're fasting Izyan, don't curse. Astaghfirlahalazim.
The object of my utter hatred is my tablet now, not only does it distract me. But it's so annoying. I'm complaining now, but I'll realise later that I should be thankful, bla bla bla, which is true la. I am fortunate that I have my own laptop, and I don't need to use the house computer, which has officially gone off its rockers for its own good. Now can't go internet ah. See la, this is what happens when I count on my brothers to take good care of that machine. I remembered vividly, "No games, no online games" haha. But I don't know why it's so hard for them to refrain themselves. I mean, they have an XBOX! Tell me if that's not enough to entertain them? I realised they're starting to hog this little machine too. According to my brother, he wants to use it to chat. Okay so I believe him. But once I let them use, I don't know. I guess i have to count on trust from having suspicions of their doings.
And I don't get, why I give in to them so much. I can't recollect them being nice to me. But I can definitely remember them being ungrateful towards me. Sad isn't it?
Enough about those two.
The object of my affection(which also happens to be the title of a book I'm currently reading) is that widdle sylvester. I guess that's the only you I have.
Who cares anyway?
Bah, when can I ever get better. I don't want to go to the docs cos they're expensive(the good ones at least) and they might just ask me to break fast. I don't want to waste any of my ramadhan days, cos I might, just might have to not fast during OBS, which is totally UNFAIR. But I'm counting the good company and I pray that God will give us five the strength to pull through those five days. (: And I pray that my cough and booger problem will bid farewell soon. hehe.
So I'm left with HUMANSSSSSSSS! TWO MORE PAPERS AND I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, for now. Cos I still got MADRASAH EXAMS! RAHAHA. AND THIS TIME I REALLY REALLY HOPE I GET GOOD GRADES FOR MADRASAH! Cos I can't afford getting six again... it's very demoralizing. But I guess it's a lesson I am to learn. Which is, I shouldn't slack nor take things for granted, thinking that they will turn out easy cos if i put effort into it, insyaAllah it will turn out good(:
Anyhoos, I better get going.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I've nothing to blog about. Just that I've been sleeping a whole lot these days.
Btw, exams started yesterday.
And I can't wait for it to end. :)
Plus! There's no school tomorrow! Ole ole ole oleeeee, which means, I can mug(BAH I HATE THIS WORDDDDDDD) whats left of the 3 sciences. Haha Which is craaaazy to have all THREE sciences on one day, no im not complaining. hahaha im greatful although its crazy, cos this means lesser exam days nyahaha
im left with sciences, humans and one more language....MALAY bahahaha.
Monday, October 02, 2006
I swear, if I watch another episode of Hikmah I can go mad, probably dye my hair blonde.
But I can't help it, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO ANA IN THE ENDDD, BUT I can't stand the annoying storyline that never seems to have an ending. One problem leads to another. And I SERIOUSLY think the family has got nothing better to do. Day in day out, all they do is try to rid Ana from the house. First the guy loses his memory, next the family goes beserk, blaming the wife for bringing bad luck. Ohho, then the wife's mom causes more problems(cause you see, she's money face la.) then now, the husband(who lost his memory) is fighting with his brother, cause he thinks that his brother has an affair with his wife. WTF. im so &*@& annoyed. I can't believe people HAVE THE TIME to come up with all of these. And people like me waste 2 hours of my supposed study time to watch. HOHO. And I still have the cheek to watch it....... No matter how ^&*%^&* i can get, watching that show.
I guess, the more i hate something, the more i want it.
So I got to admit, I have given in. I got addicted to that show, somehow i hate falling in love with it, then again i hate myself for not falling in love with it, if i had not. No matter how cynical I can get when it comes to drama series, I'm a sucker for this one. Hikmah must watchhhhh. but must got alot of patience ah, cos there's advertisement every 5minutes. Which adds to the annoying atmosphere watching the show ah. Not only is the story irritating, the adverts keep coming.
Okay I'm getting confused.
And I'm scared. Tomorrow's Language arts. I can hear the laughter of the teachers reading my essay at the back of my head, cos they're mocking me(trust me, i'm that paranoid)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Songs on my exam blues playlist:
No promises
Through the fire
I bruise easily
Breaking free
Kenangan terindah
Break it off
Hips dont lie
I lay my love on you
You give me wings
I'll be your everything
Nothing hurts like love
If you're not the one
They're age old songs, but classics are the best ah sometimes. Who still listens to westlife? haha I loooove them. What ever happened to all the boybands? Like A1 and Nsync?
Anyhoos, Nadh got me addicted to No Promises(!!), that song is so sweet. I bruise easily is also nice... Songs like these keep playing on my comp. I think I played No Promises mor e than 30 times today :P
Oooh, I can't wait for the next If Only telecast on Star Movies ah, I'm craving for sweet touching movies! Nadh, we watch together okay? Then can cry tgt :P haha
I probably wasted my study break, cos all i did was sleep and whine and sleep and whine. My body decided to go against my will to mug, so I slept most of the time. Like today, I slept on math, and yesterday, I slept the minute i got home from school, and like on thursday i didn't go terawih cos of my flu. But I guess it's better to get sick now than during the exams itself (: Wheee positivity there, hahaha good improvement ah izyan
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and my dad turns 44 today, which makes him erm, a year older! Happy birthday to him!
Well erm, Happy Birthday to him and Nadhirah!, and Selamat Menjalani Peperiksaan Akhir tahun to all(: Somehow it sounds much better in malay than in engrish. Happy Exams all (;: