Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
I might just give up trying to show how much I love you,
every word i say, every breath i take
everything i see, reminds me of you
i love you, i really do
but, i don't knw, maybe this break isn't doing us good
maybe i'm just paranoid?
please forgive me.
Lemme seee...
According to Nadh, tomorrow's her birthday, which makes mine, TODAY!
Happy birthday to us ramadhan babies :)
Thursday, September 28, 2006
my immune system has surrendered
i'm sick
& i'm sorry i made you feel that way
I think, I'm falling sick *pouts*
Anyhoos, the NADIYANTIs buka-ed together. Oh yeah, might be wondering who NADIYANTIs are right, nadhirah, dinie, izyan, atiqah.
I laughed so much, I think I'm falling sick, either that or the air was suffocating yesterday, did anyone notice? Must be the haze? Cos I kinda got home breathless ah.
Oh and yesterday, after breaking fast at east point, had to make my way to Potong Pasir. Was doubting my courage to go there alone but I made it anyhoos.
And I learnt a lesson ah, when trying to pray, don't have dinie or atiqah around. HAHA. they made me laugh like craaaaap yesterday. bahhh they were sooo crappy, i almost peed. and nadh and i were laughing ah, we batal-ed our solat three times I think. Funny people, I can't stand it. Oh then out of nowhere, b****jjah and izyandahlapar came and the terjuntai-juntai peribahasa. :P
Yesterday was fun, had a great company
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Selamat Berpuasa!
And Happy 2 months, dearie! :D
I just realised this morning that every one else was fasting, and happy me took a packet of cake and ate it... then i went to the kitchen and had my breakfast. I forgot to throw the cake wrapper I just ate and got a scolding. WOOPs.
Haha. And I realised last night I didn't get that usual dream I always get the day before fasting. The dream goes like this. It's either I'm in school or at home, but usually the dream takes place in school. It's the first day of the fasting month. I go to school. And I go to the canteen, and get myself food. Then I'll finally realise that it's fasting month, and feel all regretful.. hahaha. weird how it sounds, but I always get this dream.
gotta catch up with some math !
Saturday, September 23, 2006
It's sad that I can't fast tomorrow, but it's okay. I'll wait till the day I actually can :)
I love Ramadhan. Peaceful nights, terawihs. :D
Friday, September 22, 2006
Happy FOURTEENTH Putera Sally! (:
love you to bits and pieces:D
Hmm, aniways, nothing much to update about.
Cikgu was being such a love today. Not only did we have 2 periods of fruitful discussion, she even brought a banquet of CHOCOLATE stuffs to class! First she gave us this REALLY SUPER DUPER NICE chocolate cake, with chocolate fudge all over. Then, she let us discuss the karangan topic in class. And being the usual NOISY bunch, we talked and talked. I had a great lunch too, went to MACS with Aida, Atiqah and Dinie. Haha, and we had to rush back to school, cos we only had 10 minutes left. Haha, funny stuff. Mmmm, then she gave us famous amos chocolate brownies! I still have the box with me, buat kenangan. hehe.
Mmm.. Then I had this splitting head ache, which literally split my head into two. The pain was on the left side, and it spread to the neck. Probably cos I lack of sleep, then it caused the headache, cos it's now gone, after I slept on the bus.
hmm yeah. (:
P.S. do you still love me?
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Ack, as much as I want my period to come, I hate it when I have cramps.
I love Mr Lim, although he can get a bit weird at times. Ah, it's nice of him to give me an extention for that assignment. I spent the WHOLE night yesterday trying to do it, but I could only get through question 1. :'( I love Miss Choo too, no matter how much I hate physics. I know I did horribly for that test yesterday. I couldn't answer a single question at all, and I guess she read that note I wrote at the corner of the paper.
Aih, forgive me.
I don't know what has gotten in to me. Some kind of depressed bug.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Terlindung dari nyata
Aku semata-mata berpura-pura
okay dah. I've heard enough for one day.
I am so confused
I'm having this massive brain block
Nothing makes sense
I don't know
I'm numbed, am neither sad, nor happy, nor angry....
I don't know what I'm feeling right now, which is ironic, cos I'm confused
So is confusion a feeling? Or just a state of mind?
Ack, I hate where I am now. I think everything is starting to come crumbling down
Cos truth hurts
the above doesn't make sense to me
im confused
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let in
No one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips
Physics test tomorrow.
mmm. I can't wait actually, to get it over and done with.
Monday, September 18, 2006
I'm feeling mean, and very much helpless. cos there's no one to see how unjust my brothers are to me.
Brothers, specifically mine:
supposedly matured, hah bullshit - a 13 year old who has a girlfriend(???) hah, i got to pity her
mmm, and has no respect
What do they care about?
Their ego.
Do they say appreciate the little things I do for them?
No. And not even a thank you.
My brother.
Called me in the middle of nowhere, sounding so rude, started saying a whole load of vulgarities, just so that i'd buy him glue for his stupid(HAH) project. And when I actually bought for him four packets, he didn't even say thank you. I used my allowance to get him those things, and now he's complaining about how stupid i am for buying the wrong thing(what an asshole, how would i know that bloody thing doesnt work? stupid ass). AH, what a bastard ah, go suck your dick go play with your stupid toys and dont disturb me la.
And all he does all day is brag on and on about how he'll tell my mom i have a boyfriend. HAH. if that's the reason he dares to disrespect me, then im sorry, cos thats childish ah.
So I'm your stupid sister,
who helps you when you dont know how to use the powerpoint or anything else along that line
who does not threaten to tell your mom(and mine too) of the stupid things you have in your phone and that you have a gf(but who gives about him and his gf anws....)
who does your homework for you
who speaks up for you, cos you are too scareeddd
Annoying little brothers,
How I wish they'd change
At least for the better, and not any worse
how much i need atiqah right now..
so she'd give them a lecture on human rights..
Sunday, September 17, 2006
At 2 am in the morning
I'm having chem lessons
And I actually understan
ahhh.. 500 more words to go
I'm left with buffer
:D whee
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I love his voice
Sayang, yang sudah tu sudah..
Waking up on a saturday morning
Knowing that I don't have anything to rush about
Nor worry, for now
Is the best feeling, ever
I woke up this morning
Having to find myself in such a horrible state
Watery eyes, blocked runny nose, sore limbs and throat
my jaw felt so.... i don't know, felt as though someone slapped me hard
I'm finally.. sighing in relief
Cos the first week just ended
the crucial week is yet to come, 2 more weeks, just 2 more
And where am I in study world?
ONLY, and I repeat, ONLY at physics
Ah, I need to speed up.
But for now, I just want to take this saturday off
And embrace the feeling of having no PROJECTS to worry about
For all I know, I only have ONE, I REPEAT, ONEEEEE left.
And the feeling of having all the load being taken off yesterday
Wah, the feeling was damn shiok ah
I could feel myself almost 10kg lighter
Then later,
I just HAD to gorge down fries and apple pie
haha nice.
Tonight, catch Titian Minda at Suria
9 30 i think
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Sudah tu sudah - Imran Ajmain (AH His voice is sooo hawwwwt)
Dulu, kau pernah bercinta,
dan menyerah segala pada seseorang jejaka,
Pernahkah, terlintas di kalbu,
mana sebenarnya ada udang di sebalik batu
Terlepaslah peluang pertama,
untuk kasih mesra,
apa yang engkau tertunggu-tunggu,
mengapa terburu-buru
Sayang, yang sudah tu sudah,
Nangis tidak berlagu, lagi
Sayang, yang sudah tu sudah,
Bunga tiada bermadu, lagi
Kini, kau sudah dewasa,
Jangan terlalu lama memikirkan apa yang sudah,
Terjadi, dalam dunia cinta,
Yang patah pasti tumbuh,
Yang hilang pasti berganti
Harap ini, jadi satu pelajaran bagi mu,
Berhati-hati, bila kau bercinta
Sayang, yang sudah tu sudah,
Nangis tidak berlagu, lagi
Sayang, yang sudah tu sudah,
Bunga tiada bermadu, lagi
Wheeeee I likes this song tooooo
And I got to hear him sing live!! *screams* haha
Sesucinya Cintamu - Anuar Zain
Dapatku membayangkan
Dari senyum bibirmu itu
Terlindung dari nyata
Aku tahu semua
Terucap kata-kata
Bisikan seluhur hatimu
Ku percaya jua
Sesucinya cintamu
Ku kagumi sinar
Matamu yang ayu
Wajahmu sayang
Penyejuk rasa (i don't know why, but i kinda like this phrase)
Selembut hatimu
Menjadiku bertambah sayang
Senangnya hati kini
Sejak bersamamu
Bertemu dan bermesra
Sering menghibur duka
Biar masa berlalu
Kasih sayang dipahatkan
Ku percaya suci cintamu
Friday, September 08, 2006
I have buckloads of stuffffs to do, but this won't hurt, right?
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title for each question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 people at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
How are you feeling today?
Nothing hurts like love - Daniel Bedingfield, hmmmmmmmmmmm i feel lovesick? heart pain ah heart pain
Will you get far in life?
Membebaniku - Peterpan, i guess so, but it'll be a tough.. i guess.
How do your friends see you?
Sahabat - Peterpan, haha this is apt ;D
Will you get married?
Hantaran Puteri Gunung Warisan - Dikir Temasek, LOOOOL I don't want to be like Puteri Gunung Ledang. She didn't get married to the Sultan right? hmmm Which means? Or maybe, I'll get a smart husband. Haha okay enough already :P
What is your best friend's theme song?
Can't help falling - Swim Shadys, hahah I was hoping for it to be Because you live by Jesse. Haha I guess not?
What is the story of your life?
Hips dont lie - shakira, WAHAHAHAHA. OMGGGG I'M A HOT SPANISH BABE. right :P
How can you get ahead in life?
tell laura i love her - ricky nelson, omg dont ask how that song got there, i dont knowww.
What is the best thing about your friends?
she's a rebel - greenday, hahaha they're rocking rebels. wooo
What's in store for this weekend?
langit tak mendengar - peterpan, i'm probably gonna be stuck listening to peterpan
What song describes you?
halfway home - jason mraz, i never liked being at home?
To describe your grandparents?
since u been gone - kelly clarkson, hmmm yeah. somehow this makes sense. they left me, but im greatful to still have my dad's mom around, i love her. :D
How is your life going?
START OF SOMETHING NEW! - highschoolmusical. OMGG YES, it's like falling in love, all over again...............
What song will they play at your funeral?
when there was me and you - vanessa anne hudgens, hehehehe. yes i wished we were together, but i guess i had to go first? lol
How does the world see you?
that la la la - rihanna. UHM, i have nooooooooooo ideaaaa... more like no comments, really
Will you have a happy life?
somebody needs you - westlife, hmmmmmmmmmmm yeah :D
Do people secretly lust after you?
aku & bintang - peterpan, ala peterpan agn :P
How can I make myself happy?
worldplay - jason mraz, hmmmmmmmmmmm by going around the world?
What should you do with your life?
nobody's home - avril lavigne. mmmhmmm.. lemmee seeeee....
Will you ever have children?
close - westlife. i have no idea what that means yo
HAHA okay thanks sally for tagging me, whee.
She came back from pasar malam, and bought us three burgers!
Not only that, she had to walk through the rain!
I'm so touched.
Evil woman blogging from the comforts of her bedroom with a horrible case of... diarrhoa(HOWEVER YOU SPELL THIS WORD)!
Had another afternoon of fun. It's like the icing on a cake, the cherry on a sundae.. or maybe hot fudge, cos chocolate rocks.
To top it all off, I got to spend my two days with the people I love.. wheee:D
Yesterday was fun, spent my whole afternoon with diyanah. Walked around Northpoint aimlessly. Brought back sweeeet sweeeet memories. Made me realise how much of a bitch I am for going to TJ, really. I'm such a horrible friend.. Who agrees, say I. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..
Took so much photos, I could hardly count. The memory card was full in the end. If it had not been full, I would still be at her house now, camwhoring. Haha fun ahhh, I like. :D
Imran's friends were there too, so I selit in to get a group photo with them. Andersonians are tall. Diy's like, 165? And Imran's like 170! How much taller can they get?

I love DIZY(:

diyanah! i love the yellow background, she looks so emo. pretty.

HAHA. emoooo tak menjadiiiiiii.
And today, I met effe eye are ate the bustop. Was really nice of him to come allllll the way here, considering that he lives soooo far away. I'm so touched, I can't stand it. (:
Walked aimlessly, again. Haha sat at the library while looking for SEJARAH MELAYU(RAHHH), couldnt find it so I borrowed a book about Oregon(thats where my bro's gf lives, hahahahaha. I still cant believe he has one there. hmmmm).
Right now, I'm officially in love with those mini Lucidol wax at Watsons'. It's so small and cute. I'm gonna get one of each. It's like Ben and Jerry's ice cream, only not eatable. Haha sad.
I found the sejarah melayu book at tampines library.
there was this guy next to me. OMG i swear he was trying to hit on me or something. He gave me this seriously cheeky look, gave me the shivers so badd... I officially hate chee ko peh and 229 bus uncles. NOT ONLY THAT, he sat right in front of facing me when i was on the bus. AH CREEPY.
Hehe. If not for that, I would have ended my day with a smile. Actually, I'm still smiling la. :P
Wheee i love you. okay dah.
It's like falling in love,
All over again..
i've been sucha horrble gffriend.
%&^*(%$%^&%&*^%^$% blehhhh i gotta hate myself for this.
i is for idiot, and that is what i am
im sorreehhhh
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Happy Birthday Mommmmmm! :D
You're turning..(let me do some math here..) 43! this year. Happy 43rd birthday mommmm
love you
Alrighty, so today's my mom's birthday.
But I'm heading to Ang Mo Kio to meet DIYANAH!:) I'm sad that KMA outing got cancelled, but it's okay. I hope there's another one coming up.
Haha, i'm feeling awful today. Woke up late and from the wrong side of the bed.
:D aight, i better get movinnggggg hehe. tata:D
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I is for Idiot, and that is what I am
J is for Jerk, and that is what you are
You could tell that I'm bored, no?
Friday, September 01, 2006
my only source of cheering myself up is watching the videos below.
haiz :'(
nadh and esti just reminded me of the hang cheebye 229 bus driver
WAHHHH i wanna kill him la, it was raining. Then nadh got on the bus first, i was behind.. THEN THE STUPID UNCLE CLOSED THE DOORS. waaaahhh sian la, haha. Then Esti and I were like, -_- I'm so sorry nadh. haha.
This is why, I declare my war against selfish bus drivers, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE NICE NICE SMILING ONES (THOSE ON 72 ONES ARE NICE) ????