Friday, June 30, 2006
I've had enough, for one day.
Hahaha But putting aside the nerve-wrecking incidents with people who will haunt me, it was pretty fun! haha.
Just my luck? [IT IS A NICE MOVIE. LINDSAY IS PRETTY. HAR HAR. MUST WATCH GO GO. And I'm so laggggging cos that movie was out on the 22nd, and when did I watch it, a week later! hahahaa lagggg izyan lag]
Heh heh.
Oh MASS PE was vunderful. Sets after sets after sets. Ah I'm gonna kill myself, I had better show them that MC soon before my back breaks. NYAAAAHA. ok maybe not, it's not that extreme lah. HAHA. If I dont take PE that'd mean, bye bye stamina. Nyaha.
I had Malay test, which went quite well. I'm happy, for once, doing a Malay test. And we got ourselves a new teacher too, Cikgu Yanti! Who almost has the same name as me.. well almost. The Azian part. teehee. Haha. OOOH and we seluardalamers went for LUNCH! before our test. HAHA good way to calm our nerves. nyaaaaha.
I met people when I was out just now. What are the odds of that?!
First I met some tjcians
Then I met Cikgu. *GASSSSP* That was the WORST thing that could happen, everrrr. Haha The moment I saw her, my mind went blank and I just zoomed past her. I was shaking, like some mad person. Trauma I tell you.
Not only that, I'm now being hunted down by THREE teachers, ughhhh. My IS teacher called, she sounded horribly scary and daunting over the phone, I practically shivered my way through the conversation. :(
Now I don't dare to face her. And tuesday, my portfolio shall land in her hands. bahhhhhh
Ah is it just me or is the Just my luck influencing me?
I went into the toilet, and turned on the tap, and whammo, the shower drenched me. Hah.
Ok dah, I'm tired.
Been a loooooooong and fun day. HAHA.
when you're the answer, to all my problems
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Things that did not go their way today:
Lang arts test - where I wrote a 2 sides of a paper of crap. utter crap. I'm expecting a smack F for it. Long essays and me don't go together. Help! And even crapping doesn't work!
I'm sorry, really sorry for just now. I should've just gone home with you, and you wouldn't have.. yeah. I know it's my fault. sorry. :
Things that made me happy today:
I smelt rain! Yeah, the smell of.. erm, wet grass? haha. yeah, that smell. Made me feel happy, somehow. Was during the lang arts essay that it drizzled. I loooooooved the smell of.. it.
Atiqah's kitties - Je taime(? Is that how you spell it?) is adorble.... ahhhh. His fur can be made into Thneeds XD.
Okay Izyan, remember to return your library books. Remember remember.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I just realised how annoying this song is getting.
Haha. I shall find another song to fall in love with-- I have actually, but it's a Malay song and I don't know where I can get the url for it :(
You know who you are (:
Too many of my friends are falling sick.
And I really hope they get a speedy recovery.
Other than that, I don't know what else to say.
I have a Lang Arts Essay paper tomorrow. Oh great, another hour or so for me to squeeze 500 words out of my brain.
And someone! SOMEONE! Please HELP me with PHYSICS.
I'm hopeless.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Kenangan Terindah
aku yang lemah tanpamu
aku yang rentan karena
cinta yang tlah hilang darimu
yang mampu menyanjungku
selama mata terbuka
sampai jantung tak berdetak
selama itu pun
aku mampu tuk mengenangmu
darimu, kutemukan hidupku
bagiku, kau lah cinta sejati
bila yang tertulis untukku
adalah yang terbaik untukmu
kan kujadikan kau kenangan
yang terindah dalam hidupku
namun takkan mudah bagiku
meninggalkan jejak hidupku
yang telah terukir abadi
sebagai kenangan yang terindah
Call me minah jiwang, but this song has gotta be my favorite.
Yay Indon songs(:
Monday, June 26, 2006

Details on the poster.
Tix at 8bucks.
Call the respective ICs if you're interested.
Worth your money!
Tickets are limited.
So get them!
Before they run out.
Teehee =]
Yesterday I was a happy person BECAUSE..
I ate alot(which wasn't the happy part),
But haha. we empat ekor went out to eat.
And where else to eat good ice cream.. other than, swensens'!
TODAY I am a happy person because..
I finally caught a movie at Princess! hahahaah. R.V is a gooood movie! Plus, JOJO is pretty(:! She looks like lindsay, only prettier. xD
I, more like we, vandalised the.. space outside our classroom, on the brick wall & floor. haha. Look out for it if you happen to pass by the audi. We IP kids aren't that bad at.. drawing nonsense. hahaha.
MATH TEST IS OVER(which isn't exactly one of the reasons why I'm happy.. but.. hahaha yeah.) IT'S OVERRR(:
Ok dah(:
I've been tag by sha69 and chunsiaaaaang (but weii! I cannot copy your the questions from your blog. help(: ) !!!
7 Random Facts about Me
+ I drool when I sleep
+ I enjoy reading in the toilet.. though that's where syaitan hangs around..
+ I love vegetables
+ I get paranoid if I sleep on the bus
+ I'm fat
+ I hate techno
7 Things That Scare Me
+ God
+ Death
+ Darkness
+ Thunderstorms
+ Confusion
+ More confusion
+ More more confusion
7 Random Music At The Moment
+ Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
+ Kenangan Terindah - Samsons!!
+ Mimpi yang sempurna - Peterpan
+ If you're not the one - Daniel Bedingfield
+ Takkan Melupakanmu? isit? or Melepaskan? - Radja
+ Bad Day - Danial Powter
+ Stickwitu - PCD
7 Things I Like The Most
+ FRIENDS! he she me you them us they!
+ roadtrips
+ running around having fun
+ singing out loud
+ sleeping
+ little toddlers
+ long bus rides&walks
7 Things I Say The Most
+ ok dah
+ hahhahahaaa right
+ baik ah
+ orite
+ erm yeah
+ uhh
+ i dont know
(honestly, i dont know what i say.. most of the time.. )
7 People To Do This
+ Huda!
+ jambumerah99
+ cutiemunchkin
+ madcat02
+ YOU!
ok dah. (:
Saturday, June 24, 2006
2 days
2 more days
till school reopens
till maths test
till term 3
till more fun
till horror
till stress
ah sad.
Friday, June 23, 2006
I did a stupid thing today.
Stupid stupid.
I woke up EARRRRRLY, and bathed and stuff.
Then next thing I knew I was on the bus to school.
I promised myself to finish what's left of Jekyll and Hyde on the bus, which I did! *throws confetti* wei this calls for celebration! Wheeeeeeeeeeee. xD
Then it rained, and I fell asleep on the bus after reading the book.
AHhhh. That book is a torture I tell you, and a natural lullaby at that.
Cannot tahan!
Uh. Then I reached school at.. 740? Or was it.. 8?
Yeah. Then I tried reading that book I borrowed yesterday. Haha. Then the next thing I knew, I fell asleep.
I woke up, it was..830?
Was supposed to have met them at.. 8.. But I guess I wasn't the only tired one. Cos nad&nadh&ati had been coming to school for 3 consecutive days! :D
Hahaha. So I slept again, cos I was seriously sleepy.
I slept like a pig, and drooled. =X woops.
Oh oh, cos my gums at the back of my mouth were swollen.
No idea why, but it swelled up till I couldn't grit my teeth properly. o.0
In the end I decided to reward myself with Macs and then I went home..
Intending to sleep till 11 or something, then go back to school and meet them, if they're there. hahahahaa. (edited) which I didn't end up going cos i slept like a pig again till 12, and left poor nadhirah alone in school. sorry babes! xD
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Okay. Sleep now, or else I have to force myself reading Bio notes. eurgh.
sorry madcat02 darling(: haha. I promise I won't pangseh you again. Promise promise. hehe.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I'm saying goodbye to my suicidal stickmen.
Say hello to Chendol 14 (:
ok dah.
this is sungguh crap xD
They're my cup of coffee
My bowl of SOUP
My bag of sweets
My box of chocolates
My bouquet of roses
Wheeeeee. Another day spent with a WONDERRRRFUL bunch of people. (:
MinaHips&frenchkissers are love.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Yesterday, I went to secret recipe and had an apple crumble cheesecake
I so happy! *Throws glitter and confetti and streamers*
Hahahaha. But I think the next time I eat at a fancyshmancy place like that.. would be a long time from now.
Cos it was very expensive..
and I still want to go to the Secret Recipe in Malaysia.
Cos it's cheaper. XD Cheated me of my money. I want to go to Malaysiaaaa.. Just for a slice of that secret recipe cake, daddyyy.
But I still happy(:
But my mom keeps telling me it's currency, and it comes to the same if you think price wise. But! Currency or no currency, their cakes are cheaper, PLUS! they have 5% gst or something.. And it's still cheap. Hahaha.

Today, I was accused of being sombong.
Yes, sombong.
So maybe I am. *sticks out tongue*
But coming from somebody I didn't know..?
Hah! Whateverrrrrrr. *wags finger*
But it's okay, I shan't be mean. :D
Today, I finished my homework.. I think.
Today, I helped my mom.
And she upah-ed me in return. yay.
Today, I woke up late and did not go for the group study.
Sorry guys. =(
Hahaha. Although I was the semangat one yesterday.. setting the time and all.. In the end I never go. =X
This is crappy.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
It's done.
It's done.
I'm so happy.
I love myself.
I love Warda.
I love Atiqah.
I love Chun Siang.
It's done. It's finally done.
All it took was half a day. And it's done.
I'm so happy.
I love pngu, well at least the 'LANGARTS' pngu.
And I love Nadiah&Nadhirah.
Cos they're such great company.
Early mornings with them are funnnn. Haha. Nevermind, we shall reserve our run.. some other time!
And together, the four of us(plus atiqah, cos warda went home early and chunsiang was busy with his.. computer stuff) shall rule the.. CANTEEN!
hehehe. Cos we did just now. We had the whole canteen, all to ourselllllllves! =D
Sorry nadh for bullying you. But it was fun. Hehehe. Atiqah shall be our next target.. or NADIAH! hahaha.
See! We're nice friends, we made you 23 new friends! Have fun okay. And becareful of that dirtyoldman =X
Ohhhh and TKSS military band is super cool! haha
Today was fun.
I love today.
The weather was cool, and it still is.
I'm coldddddd even in my room with nothing but a small table fan. But it's still cold! Brr.
And I miss KMA.
I joined a conference after so long.
I felt like I was taken back.. a year ago, wasn't that long.
Late night conferences. Five people talking at the same time.
Haha. Fun people, I miss.
And now.. we're all grown up.. *hint hint*
haha. I bet they know what I mean.
I'm in the mood for............... sleeping!
Brrrr, just the weather for snoring.
Haha. BYE! :D
Monday, June 19, 2006
I'm back.
*throws confetti* yay. =]
and now.....
off to do some homework!
haha I can hear them cheering already. yay
ohhhh. and im sad cos my father didnt go to giant.. just like the other time when we went to desaru, on our way back.. so much for my last ten ringgit(from the desaru trip, hehehehe) spent on that yummy secret recipe(!!!) cake..
ok dah, bye!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I ought to be doing some packing now. .
But no.............................
I chose to do... photoshopping! yay.

hahaha. OK dah.
I'll put up more.. stuff some other time!
teehee =D
I just realised something so horrible...
That I want to cry.
My holidays are left with.. less than 10 days.
And, I have not done a single revision, let alone my homeworks..
Ahhhhhhhhhh The wonders of procrastination.
Let's see what I've been not been doing for close to three fricking weeks:
-hockey (poor goalie pads rotting in the store)
-running (im gonna fail nafa if this goes on.. and ahhhhhhhhhhhh i probably gained weight! rahahahahaha)
Another year..
Another month of June Holidays..
Just like that.
Hahahaha XD
I'm off to kampung later at night. Sweet!
Back in 4 days!
Bye -- to whoever who reads my blog, sigh.
last few words:
Oh and looks like there's no PGO fun for me this time :(
have fun!
ok bye(:
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I don't know what to blog about.
Oh. I finally finished reading A book.
I'm so happy, I almost cried. ALMOST.
Now I shall not be a lazy bum, and start linking people.
So.. If anybody happens to read this and wishes to be linked..
Do the honours by tagging ok?!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Excessive eyecandying may lead to diabetes and tooth decay
keep that in mind! haha.
BUT! make sure to take the sugar-free ones, so that you can avoid getting sick xP
And remember,
eyecandies are good for health(as what DR. ATI has suggested, right doc? she holds a pHD you know!)
they contain vitamin [A]dorable
hahahaha. and so on xD just come up with another adjective from any other vitamin and hey! you get yourself more vitamins from your eyecandy..
take note: take eyecandies at own risk
we're bored people! woot.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Things to note when being a kendarat.
- Crowd starts pouring in at noon -- hahaha eg.: my family. lol they came at 12 ++.. or was it 1? hahahaha! no such thing as early birds during a wedding.. although there were few =X and when i say few, i mean only 1 or two. rahahahahahaha.
- EAT! before starting work and not during work -- i was drooooooling looking at the buffet laaaaa... and these people had not mercy! and left us red-shirts working till late. but hey, i can't complain, cos the crowd wasn't SO bad, till we had to run in and out clearing and wiping tables. hahah lucky us.
- appreciate times when the crowd is little, and i mean really mean appreciate! -- there was one time when only one of us was doing a whole area. rahahaha.
- washing plates is way way way way way funner than.. clearing tables. -- hahaha. getting wet funnnn.
- take breaks at the right time xDDD -- we took breaks when the crowd was at high tide. xD
- Guys don't make good kendarats cos they're lazy RAHAHAH im so mean -- well not all la, but i gotta salute the dishwashers man, rain or shine, they still stayed at the back, washing them oily plates. hahaha. yay dishwashers!
- And never never never piss the tukang masaks off -- or at least there was this uncle, (probably having his menopause[guys got anooot?] or something, he kept staring at me when I was washing my hands with the pipe. wahhh scary. like want to bite my head off like that.)
But other than that, it was fun while it lasted. Getting wet in the rain, washing plates. And hey, I made friends! and plus, i got closer to my far cousins. And I guess I even made my aunt happy. She went, "I don't know why.. But I feel so glad that my you slept over" I guess it's not every day that I sleepover at my aunt's house.. especially my mom's side. heh heh. and to top it off, we got upah-ed! hahaha. so all those hard work (chey wah) was worth it lah. rahaha.
if any of my family members happen to be reading this.
rahaha. Ok, now I miss Azu and Hain and the rest xDD
Here's us, at work (cheeeeey):
(I TOOK THIS PHOTO! RAHAHAH. OKAY IT'S UGLY, BUT WHAT THE HECK. Poor white-shirt guy's body got cut off. hahahahahaha. so much for my non-existent photography skills =X )

Yay to the RED SHIRTS!
And double Yay to our chief, Ain! :D
And I can't believe I blogged a whole post on yesterday's wedding. Unbelievable!
Something memorable I guess. :)
Friday, June 09, 2006
Everybody's just not around nowadays.
Warda's doing her umrah
Nadh's going KL for so long…
Firdaus' going camp
Atiqah's at Malaysia
Huda's at Czech
Drama boys are at Australia
And here I am, stuck at home.. It's not that I'm complaining la.. But--
And now I really can't wait for the family gathering, although I'll be missing PGO(which is really sad, cos I was REALLY LOOKING FORWARD to it, but nooo.. the gathering just HAD to be on the same day as PGO. How unlucky can I get? But hey, that makes two things to look forward to. Although I can't make it for one of them, I can choose.. Four days or One day? hhaah ok I'm crapping.)
Cos I can finally get out of Singapore
Like seriously, four days would do me good.
Away from my computer and the internet. Though I think that's like, killing myself, cos I'd be super duper uper bored without it.
But I'll most probably bring this machine along although the chances of getting internet connection there is zilch, I'll probably bring it along for homework.. Though chances of me doing it will be like, zero also. I'm such a lazy ass.
Or maybe, out of boredom, I'll turn into a zombie, like my brother..
I’ll just play the stoning game with him, and see who wins.
Or maybe, I'll become a kid again, and play hide and seek with my widdle cousins and nephews and nieces and widdle widdle babies. Ahw. I miss being a.. babysitter, a horrible babysitter.. Cos I make babies cry. Unlike my cousin, who works wonder with babies, they just love her. The thing about not having younger sibs to take care, makes me at a disadvantage. Sigh.
Till whenever. Bye.
I'll miss taking long walks with you.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
aaku takkan melupakan mu
tak akan meninggalkan mu
tak akan menduakan cintamu
ku bersumpah
aku tak ingin menginkar janji..
Im in looooooooove with Radja.
And for whatever reasons, i'm listening to malay songs.
I hope that doesn't make me a minah jiwang.... please no.
I finally had my appointment, after two weeks of pain and waiting.
And again, it turns out there's nothing wrong with my back.
If there's nothing wrong with my poor back, then what is wrong with it that is causing all this pain?
Will physio do the trick?
I hope so.
I wouldn't want to waste my parent's money on something that won't come as a cure. I troubled them enough already.
Rah. I hate this la. Oh and he gave me 2 MONTHS excuse from PE/HOCKEY. =((((
Have a safe trip mommy bird dear (:
Semoga Allah swt melindungi mu, dalam perjalanananmu ini.
I'm almost done.
3 Shades of red -- Pink, Light Pink and Red itself.
I hope it'll turn out nice.
Though I think the red spoils it.
I'm a sad woman.
Monday, June 05, 2006
*hums the frog song*
throb throb, goes this little head of mine
throb throb goes this little aching heaaad..
throb throb goes this little aching head of mine
and panadol doesnt do any good..
and all the panadols go..
i'm a pain killer
i'm a pain killer
i'm a pain killer
and all the panadols go..
i'm a pain killer
and my head goes, throb throb ahhhh....
Reading is by far the toughest thing for me to do... I read a book just now, and fell asleep. I read a book on the bus, and got a headache. But! I managed to read.. a weeee bit. That explains why my english is so horrigible incorrigible terrible vegetably bad! I think my short attention span doesn't help me much either.
I remember trying to read the first chapter of... Da vinci code during class last year, and sad to say, I didn't finish the book.
I put the book on my lap, then rest my head on the table... But after reading a few lines, jeng jeng jeng, I dozed off. Then when I wake up, I'll re-read the first line of the first chapter..... over and over again. Cos I'll fall asleep again after just reading a few lines.
How to finish the book like that? Tell me?
To make sure I read at least 2 books this month,
I'm here to make a pledge.
I, Nur Izyan,
Pledge to complete two english books and one malay book(this, I got to try)
So that I can improve my horrible vocab
And then I can at least score well in my language subjects (how corny.. but true)
cos yes yes yes! i desperately need to improve my engrish and malay toooooo.
How it frustrates me to not be able to write in English, and knowing how childish I sound every time I write. Cos Ms Nansi says I'm a.. naggy writer. A whiner? maybe. And I rant alot?
Do I?
I know it's impossible to improve my english overnight... and a month won't do wonders...
But I'll try! Who knows I suddenly get magic powers and my brain can absorb all the words in the dictionary.. both english and malay.... hahaha dream on izyan. xD
I won't make this an empty promise.. not like I always do when it comes to studying.. and.. sad to say, dieting too..
I promise I promise I promise.
How I wish I could fly off to Czech or ITALY!(VENICE!!!) or New Zealand or Papua New Guinea.....
...Cos I've been a very bad daughter lately. And I feel so horrible.
i love my mommy and daddy.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
I never knew playing catching at the playground was of much fun.
Haha Really! I thought it was boring running around saying "Tag your it!" then run around some more.
Wasted ah I didn't play catching that much when I was young.. haha Sad to say, I was a lazy person. Or maybe I did play catching, just that I can't remember. woops. xD
A very good example of.. matminah-lepaking-bawah block kinda thing. haha. But I hope we didn't make any nuisance, although everybody knew we were making too much noise. What with the screamings and stuff. Bimbotic catching ah. And then we shared.. ghost stories till four.
I'm tired.
My back is calling for the bed.
Hockey hand-over was cool (: THANK YOU SENIORS, EXCOS, COACHes.. for guiding us through learning hockey (: and for the lovely gathering. haha. AM GONNA MISS YOU SENIORS, who wouldn't? haha.
Rah. Mee Rebus calling me, first. Then bed.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
I love you
You love me
We are happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?
satay awaits me..
I'm bored at home.
I was at home the whole day.
I ate the same meal twice.
My cat's fur is dropping, everywhere.
The study room is gonna be my room, soon.
And, sad to say, I didn't help the least bit in cleaning it up. I'm sorry momma, and thank you aunty. I'm sucha lazy ass.
I was online almost the whole day, which explains why I didn't help in the cleaning..
There's hockey tomorrow-- and group work, wahoo!
I want to go to the gym, anybody wants to tag along? But since I'm a lazy ass, chances of me going are zero.
My mommy and daddy are not home yet, they promised satay.. I WANT SATAY!
I waited for the same video to finish transferring for about ten times, without success xP BUT BUT BUT, i think the VID looked supersuper professional. Credits to AIDA (:
My brother is listening to Beep
My other brother is playing with this really old... game console? Those which have 999 games in one catridge... and makes annoying sounds......
My tablet is running out of battries, again
I can't find the 3cds.. die.
I made pretty photos look ugly, the result of boredom.
I am not wearing home clothes.. Cos I thought I was meeting my mom at TM, AGAIN.
And yay, my parents are home.
I want satay.
bye (: