Tuesday, May 30, 2006
ahh. photobucket is being such a dear, and not letting me upload multiple photos. :(
my stamina is getting worst( i almost couldn't tahan 6 rounds. weak ah izyan) . and the weather didn't help much either. i was hoping it would rain so at least we had something to be happy about. but it was ok, we girls endured! yay hockeywomans (:
after 1 minute, only one photo has been uploaded. and with 100+ photos in the Desaru Album, I don't think this photolog will be a quick one to finish. heh. Whatever you're saying lah izyan.
The oxymoron-ic sign board, as what nut said. xD

the cute little kambing from the fruit farm. ahhh adorrrrrable.
boo. i'm getting sleepy.
shall upload more photos some other time ah.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Sorry for the loooooooooooong and draaaaaaaaaaggy post. It's what happens when I am left to stay at home the whole day with a sore back, tablet and wireless + FOOD.
24hours online baby! and I'm one happy woman but minus the food, if possible. If not I'd be munching non-stop.
I've been eating the whole day, and I won't go mad if somebody shouts fatty from behind, cos yes, I'm getting fatter.
Btw, Kak Lina DID VERRRY GOOD. We're very proud of her (:
Baik LINA!

Meet my brother, and me.
He looks sane, doesn't he?

He's easily amused. And big boxes makes his day.
To nadh: Yea nadh it's detailed. And I was stuck at home the whole day. Reflecting did good to me. Now I miss desaru and regret not going down to the beach. :(
Let's go beaching one of these days. Has Aida asked you yet?
Alright. I'm going to make this post super quick. Won’t post photos yet. Have to sort them out.
I'm back from Desaru, and now I have TWO things to be sad about:
• Gema 13th May 2006
• Desaru trip 27th-28th May 2006
I hate the feeling when something's over. Like you wish you could do more, but you can't. And I'm sad ‘cos I didn't even get the chance to go down to the beach.
Oh and Sports Carnival was not as exciting as I thought. For one thing, I DID NOT GET TO PLAY FLOOOOOOORBALL. And the players didn't even want to SHOW UP. That, another story. Don't wish to dwell on it anyways. And besides, I was stuck at the doctors--Oh and the Xray turned out that they found 'something'.
The first day was just plain silly, really. We crapped about outside MCS room, hoping to get mercy from someone the uncle to open the door. The TA students were dead bored, or at least the bunch I was with was. We left for Sports Chambara in the end. Which was kind of fun ah (minus the pain). She whacked my chest I tell you. So painful ah.
And I thought the guy in the blue suit was cute. He poked me in the stomach then he grinned and waved goodbye. He had braces on, made him double the cute. hehe.
After the whole CHAMBARA thing, we were told that we had Inter CG game. We lost both items, enough said.
I did my homework and skipped the badminton finals. I just had to finish my work ah. I received loads of it. At first, I ended up at the MCS room, doing homework, till we had to vacate for the JKs' meeting. OH. And I waited for him to finish meeting to get my specs. I then ended up at Simei, eating a late lunch with the MCS bunch. Whee. Hahaha It was fun ah.
Oh and I GOT MY SPEEEEEEEECS. It turned out PRETTIER than I thought. :) Happy me.
What else ah?
Digression: Here by me is such a nice song. Swoon. (:
And the next day, I came to school at 12, and missed the Desaru Briefing. So stupid, I took a taxi, and in the end I missed it. I was too engrossed at home with my tablet, after I figured out the wireless problem, till I forgot about the time. It's so fascinating ah, now I can walk around the house with my tabbywabby and still have connection. YAY. I love daddy (:
Friday was kind of fun. Although I had nothing to do from 1 till 4 (we were stuck in school and the evil security guard did not let us out) Then Adila asked me to take part in skipmore, and did 8 pathetic skips. Sorry Alpha 3 :(
Then I joined Nadiah and Nadhirah and did stuff. We walked around, got ice-cream and all I can remember now is that we went to the floor ball court and played stuff.
And that's the end of Sports Carnival..... :)
Then came: DESARU BABY!
Alright, I shall try to remember every single detail of the trip.
Here goes…
I woke up at… 5? I got ready for my father to send me. I was praying that I didn’t leave anything behind, thank god I didn’t.
I think I reached school the earliest ah, I only saw Azri a few minutes after I arrived.
We boarded the bus with High Spirits. Me and Nadh did dikir, as usual. Till we reached woodlands, did the immigration stuff, and off we went to… DESARU-- with a few stops before reaching our destination. Yipee.
First stop: Breakfast.
Next stop: LUNCH! Let me list down what we ate: BIGBIG FISH, LOBSTERS, LONGANS, FRIED RICE, TOFU... Damn nice. At first we were only served with fried rice and oyster omlette(however you spell it lah), and thought that that was the end of our meal. But no… more and more came. A whole array of seafood ah. Dang, I’m drooling thinking about it. Oh and the guys and girls at the other table were playing games. We were making so much noise, I thought it was cool. Haha. xD Ok, lame Izyan lame.
After lunch, we headed for DESARU! Yay (: Oh, during the ride, we were playing with balloons and the ball Adilah bought. For the first time that day, I laughed so much, I felt my stomach hurting. And little Iffah was being a darling, targeting the guys and hitting them on their heads. Cute lah.
Finally, Desaru.
Got our rooms. 222, pretty number no? Bunked in with Aishah and Atiqah.
Next: Team Building;
Grouped up with Aishah, Nadiah, Hafifah, Shahirah, Dinie, Nash, Ali and Shaik…
And you know what our group name was? TUDUNG! Cos you know why? We almost had all the tudung ladies in our group, except for Hakimah, who was in group 3, but it was ok. And we made Shaik our captain, yay. Our group was doing super well ah. Yay for tudungers (: + the serbans.
Then it started to rain, so everything was postponed to the next morning, and as for us, we headed back to the hotel and waited till 6, before we were off for… DINNER! At some place.
The journey to dinner was one of the most fun I had that day. We sang dikir songs as one MCS. All I could think of was, ahwww, instant bonding. I mean, all this time we were rivals against the guys ah(or so I thought). Not only dikir songs, we sang some other songs. I thought it was a pretty cool moment.
We finally had dinner, after the much singing and cheering. We reached this place by the beach and ate more seafood. Then… we… were… attacked… by… MOSQUITOES! A WHOLE SWARM OF THESE LITTLE AEDES ONES (or so I thought, hehe). And also, a lot of these big ants which had wings that flew around and landed on our food.
Enough about dinner. We then went to watch FIREFLIES! WHICH ARE SO PRETTY! On the way there, we played I never. Another fun session. After reaching the firefly place, which was located somewhere inside this really ulu place. Took a boat out and poof, FIREFLIES! One got attracted to me, and hung on to my sleeve. It was glowing… ahw, pretty can? CAAAAAAAAAAN.
And the stars… too many to be counted. So no one was missing me xD LOOOOL. Sorry. XP
Fireflies are gorgeous things. They are like little glowing eyes in the night canvas ah. (: Made me smile truckloads.
After the whole… firefly watching, we headed back, hotel sweet hotel, which was creepy at night. HAHA!
Oh! Then the IPs had a sleepover! And watched.. THE RIIIIIIING! Woohoo. We screamed and shrieked. And got a call -- supposedly from the receptionist, but hohoho, turns out to be a prank call from our seniors. It was fun, the sleepover. I slept with Atiqah and Dinie on the same bed. Hehehe.
Oh then came DAY TWO!
Morning call, well not exactly. Didn’t bathe, but ate breakfast… cos we were up for… RAFTING BABY! Woohoo. Time to test our rafts!
Here’s another mouthful of events, so be prepared!
We got our rafts, carried them to the… uh… pond? Reservoir? River?
We were told to raft from the small little jetty to this place. It was fun, nonetheless -- I don’t know how many time’s I’ve used this F word – but yes, it was FUN, with a capital F and U and N!
The water was warm and the floor was sludgy and muddy and cool. I stepped in and tadah, instant sinking!
After we reached the… other side, we were asked to connect all four rafts together, and make one bigbigbig MCS raft. Hahaha. I was sitting in front. Hehe. First class seats man xD
After the whole… raft thing, we had an obstacle course.
There was the swinging thing, which I fell, and the balancing on a plank, monkey bar – which we walked instead of monkey-ing across, the wall – I swear, I salute shaik and ali for carrying us up --, and the crawling-under-barbwire thing, which was super fun. And to make things happier, we were the first group to go! Yay tudung!
Then after the whole thing, we headed back.
Washed up – I bathed with my roomies. All three of us, in the same toilet, in the same bathtub. Don’t tell you what happened. xD
And sadly, we checked out. Took a photo as one whole MCS.
Ok… so a photo won't hurt.. So here is us:

And… then comes the trip back to Johor, with our last lunch together.
ANDD.. SHOPPING! (: and after the whole shopping thing, we headed back to Singapore!
Where more fun awaited us on the bus, when the guys decided to do their forfeits. Matured topics man, matured. Haha.
Last but not least, we bid farewell. (:
I love MCS.
And with this, I end my 1000++++ word entry.
So much for a quick update huh? Toods (:
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I got whacked hard on the-- :X
and I knocked down my bowl of-- :X
and I found out that my frie-- :X
and I --
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Electives are officially over.
And I'm getting the holiday blues already. Funny thing is, I DON'T WANT THE HOLIDAYS TO COME. I'm desperately finding things to do. Hockey takes up my Tuesdays and Fridays! thank goodness. Then there's the desaru trip. I need more acivities!
I'm gonna miss my bulbul darlings.

GOnna miss my the ashy bulbul gang. :'(
Tomorrow's Sports Carnival. I don't know if I should play floorball with my back hurting. It's getting worst by the day. Either that or I'm just plain paranoid.
Some say it's the spine. My aunt says it can be the kidneys. My mom says it can either be the bone or the muscles or the nerves or whatever. Me? I just hope it's the bone, and nothing else that gives me the goosebumps.
I'm missing alot about Gema. Don't you? *searches for gema people*
I never thought I would miss the late nights, the practices.
And yes, I cannot wait for Desaru trip, although it's only two freaking days. It's too short to be enjoyed lah. Cikgu! Why cannot make 3 days? Kan lagi best. :(
I realised my posts usually don't have a topic and i keep changing it- being the topic- after every paragraph. And I noticed how horrible my english is. It's like, horribleterribleincorrigibleVEGETABLE la! Need to buck up and read more of smart people's blogs.
OH! and I realised that my attention span is getting shorter by the day. I get lost easily. Especially when talking to people. So I'm sorry if I happen to be talking to you, and I don't reply to your questions. xD
OHHH! and we went to Sungei Buloh yesterday. I need more of these.... NATURE things. And I got amused with these mats on the floor. The guide said it is a.. sanitiser or something. To prevent bird flu? So being the kiasu person that I am, I jumped on the thing and 'inhaled' the chemicals that they gave off, supposedly. Eh! I don't want to get birdflu k, CHOI!
What else ah?
OH! I went to doctors yesterday to get a fricking xray and it had me waiting for 2 fricking hours. And I have to wait for 2 fricking days to get the results. HAHA.
Oh there was this funny thing going on with the patients waiting for their turn. Apparently, sick people are blur. It happened twice to two people. Their numbers came up on the screens, and it took them - after a few ringing (there was this sound that the thing made) - that they realise that it was their turn.
AAAAAAAAAAAND (last one last one, promise)
I'm getting specs tomorrow! Finally, no more contacts. No more mornings I have to push that thing up my eyeball... hahahaha. Not that bad lah. It's red and I hope it's pretty. Bye bye contacts and red eyes! (:
OKay dah.
SPORTS CARN TMR. SALSA BABY! (: and sports chambara ouch.
i can't put seem to put down what im feeling in words
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Currently at Atiqs house.
Was from Suntec, caught a movie.. OVER THE HEDGE (:
ok i got to go now.
going AIDAAAA's concert.
Friday, May 19, 2006
NEW YORK PIZZA (: Finally got to taste the Pizza Burger. It's super cheesy and nice and cheey and nice and cheesy and NICE!
Oh and I had Hockey!
Which was extra tiring today. We did drills and loadsa drills.
I kinda miss hockey trainings and late nights and A division days.
Fond memories laaaaaah.
I feel all sad and melancholic.
Hockey wouldn't be the same without the year 2s. It wouldnt be as fun and as whacky laaaaaaaah.
Who agrees, say I!
:( no more?
Thursday, May 18, 2006

I ate at LJS, and then I embarrassed myself.
I'm sorry that i made u drop your phone and spoil it.
So this is my how many-th post?
I just have to show you my share of NEW YORK PIZZA.
I'm desperately craving for one. NYAAAAAAAAAHA.

And that was Nadh's share.
This is mine

How can I not crave for it again? It's so nice lah. If only they had a branch near my house, I'd eat there ever day. But too bad, cos I'm broke. XD

And orange flowers are pretty.
(: bye, for now.

Speaking of which, I'm craving for New York Pizza.. drools.
Who else is with me? Say I!

Meet Mr Ashy Bulbul (:
I am a nature conservationist and proud of it!
And I'm in love with my bulbul's.
Nature Conservation as an elective is not so bad. Hey! At least it's waywayway better than Media Matrix, no offence to anyone or anything or anywhat. The better part is that, we get to go out.
I just got back from labrador park and realised that I get easily amused. All we did was walk around, overturn rocks, point at crustacians and let them crawl up my leg. I think one of the hermit crabs got attracted to my shoe. Afterall, it was pink and striking. Nyaha. And now I can't wait for SUNGEI BULOH! (:
And I went to Anderson's Choir Concert yesterday. It was veryveryvery good lah. Oh and I kept losing bets to-- Haha nvm.
I'm tired. The week's coming to an end.
I'm flat broke.
It's raining money? I wish.
I love ashy bulbul.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Ashy Bulbul! is a bird.
oh and i managed to complete a decent powerpoint that looks decent. hahaha.
whee. Am one happaye woman.
No more PNGU.
No more glitter.
No more saturdays doing project.
No more whitesands.
No more Food Culture.
No more laughing at ourselves.
No more prawn noodles.
No more PNGU.
:( I'm sad.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Let me tell you a story about my whacked mom, my egoistic brother and two weird mats.
Once upon a Sunday, my family and I decided to have our usual Geylang breakfast and being the lazy person that I am, I didn't go to my madrasah so I got to follow them this time. Yay!
Our favorite Chicken Rice stall was closed, so we were kinda sad. Then we sat down an ordered. I don't know why, but my mom started talking about the lima puluh sen song. And she sang it out loud. Then when we were walking to the market, she saw this boy and went, "Eh So Handsome! Wear blue specs and blue shirt. Handsomenye!" I was like, deng? Hence, this shows that my mom is whacked, but I still love her. Whee.
Then comes my egoistic brother. Recently my mom bought him a new Motorola SLVR with MP3. A 13 year old with a kick ass phone? Where is the justice in that? I'm stuck with a Nokio 7260, and I'm not complaining. But for a boy who is forgetful and careless to get such a cool phone? hmph! So, he is currently very much attached to his phone and treats it like his wife. And the egoistic part goes like this, he thought my mom was annoying when she sang that song and said he was embarrassed. EGOistic ah. I thought she was cute, enough said.
The mat part, I won't elaborate. Weird people. But I like weird people, just not that type, you know what I mean?
I'm down with post gema syndrome.
Having nothing to do after school
Singing dikir songs
Doing dikir steps
Talking about gema
GUYS: Pe'ah Pe'ah Pe'ah, LOSERR!
Oh and you know what I did today?
I went to Tampines to eat NEW YORK PIZZA!, finally! And after that, I followed Nadhirah to Lavender to get her IC, at last. After which I followed her to Bedok to get prettypretty orange daisies and she gave one to me! Ahw. After that I went to Potong Pasir. And then I went to Hougang, where I live.
My homework calling me already.
Having my elective now.
Nature Conservation.
Haha. I wonder why I took that up.
I'm now sitting in the canteen. With Atiqah, feeling very hungry. And I want to what something, but I'm to lazy to budge.
Officially, my day has ended.
Now my evil math homeworks are awaiting me.
I can hear them calling already..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Here's some random pictures.
happy looking (:

haha. sorry for the lameness.
this blog needed more color. what else can i put but pictures?
more to come, if i can upload everything. nyaha!
You asked me who it is.
You begged me to tell you.
But it's hard for me to say..
cos its you.
i sound so effing jiwang.
And I'm finally back.
Sorry I 'closed down' this thing. I had my share of laziness.
Now I've got to do some catching up.
- Gema Temasek 2006; Gelanggan Si Awang Dayang. Just! ended yesterday on the 13th May 2006, not april. Ah I'm so sad. No more late nights, no more raptais, no more practices, no more gelanggangs and see what the guys have come up with, no more breaking voices, no more nice juara songs, no more anyhow rebana playing, no more rebutting, no more sitting in front of the mirror, no more laughing at the funny sketsa people, no more lauging at bijan's jokes, no more silat, no more...............
I never knew I would feel this way after Gema, but I guess the syndrome hit me immediately after the finale. I teared, for many reasons.
- A division tournaments
My first period of tournaments.
Tough period.
We fought hard.
Temasek Hockey rocks (:
No doubt about it. Teehee.
- Struggling. Suffering. Stressed, over heavy workloads
Life hasn't come easy on me. School especially. I can't keep up with the pace. I'm handing in late work. I sleep in class. I keep falling sick. My back is toturing me.
But I shouldn't complain, but be happy that I'm still alive, well and living.
I never said this before,
but I'm saying it now.
ilu (: